About us
Bringing Wellness, Engagement and Performance to Your Workplace.
Bringing Wellness, Engagement and Performance to Your Workplace.
To help employees improve their physical, emotional and mental well being and engagement by setting and working towards walking and running goals.
RunningWell exists to bring wellness, engagement and performance to the workplace.
Wellness – we provide the tools and experience to set participants up for a lifetime of improved physical, mental and emotional wellness.
Engagement – we create the opportunity to invest in your employees and engage them in their community at work.
Performance – we provide participants with the experience of achieving goals through practicing disciplined, structured, results oriented behaviour.
Seanna Robinson has been a competitive runner for 24 years. She has been a national level competitor in track and cross-country and has completed nine marathons including one in an Ironman.
Seanna has a Phys. Ed degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University and has coached many levels of runners from beginners, to marathoners, to high-competitive track runners. She has led a number of formal running clinics and was a coach with the University of Toronto for their Jr. Development track and x-country teams.
In her work with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Seanna has gained extensive experience in providing health and wellness related seminars to corporate clients. She believes that the skills learned through athletic training can be used to enhance performance and mental and physical wellness at work and in other areas of life.
Companies recognize that employee wellness adds to their bottom line. Successful leaders recognize the link between employee health, workforce effectiveness and productivity.
Workplaces as communities – Workplaces today do not exist as islands – they form an important part of the social community. Health and wellness in the workplace is an investment in healthy communities.
Aging population – There exists a new reality of continuing to perform at a high level with an aging workforce.
Among the working-age population in Canada, over 42% are in the age group of 45 to 64, a record high proportion. The effects of aging can be dramatically reduced and even reversed with an effective wellness strategy.
Prevention vs. treatment – Companies are realizing the benefits of investing in health of employees vs. paying for sick and disengaged employees. Most recent studies show at least a $6 return on investment for every dollar spent on employee wellness. An investment in workplace wellness can help to offset the burden on our healthcare system which shows the split in funding in Ontario in the range of 90% treatment vs. 10% prevention. Employers can play a big role in providing wellness programs as preventative medicine.