Entries by RWadmin

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 – What if I try? (Steph Bannan)

Hi Everyone!   Massive congrats to our marathoners this weekend at Mississauga!!! Lori and Colette both braved the heat and ran very respectable marathons with Lori qualifying for Boston! In the Bum Run 5K we had Sean, Zoë and Jeff running very fast times on what I believe is not a “fast” course. Way to […]

Tuesday, April 9 2024 – Hard Mode and Easy Mode

Hey Gang!   Hope y’all enjoyed the sun this weekend – and that if you were out yesterday you got to catch some eclipse action – even if it was just the eerily darkening sky. There is something powerful about communally sharing an awe-inspiring experience. I enjoyed that sensation – even through the clouds!   […]

April 2, 2024 – Community

Hey Gang!   Hope everyone had a great long Easter Weekend and enjoyed the great weather and hopefully some time with family and friends. And maybe a tiny bit of chocolate.    Many people on this list are ramping up for Spring marathons along with getting in shape for races of other distances. When training […]

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 – Passion

Hi Everyone!   Some really great runs over the weekend: at Around the Bay we had Colette, Carol and Brianna who all ran solid 35.4K PB’s! As I said to some of them – awesome resilience and attitude with being able to “go with the flow and a positive attitude” with the ever changing (increasing!) […]

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – Boundaries

Hey Gang!   First up, huge congrats to Cindy who ran the NYC Half on the weekend with a PB and breaking the 1:30 barrier! Great job. I’m loving the momentum of spring races. Keep ‘em coming – I might even jump into one soon! Coming up this weekend we have Around The Bay with […]

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – Taking a break!

Hey Gang!   Happy March Break to all! As such, I am on holiday so won’t be there for workout and not writing much of a post. Except to say, I am truly relishing the full detachment and break from my everyday routine and responsibilities, and am already feeling refreshed and ready to get back […]

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 – re-Prioritization

Hi Everyone!   First up, huge congrats to everyone who ran the Chilly Half!!! Sam F who PB’d! Ingrid who crushed it in a new age group! Bob who negative split! Amy, Shauna, Jason who executed smart, tough and solid training runs. And with that, the seal to spring races has been broken – bring […]