Do You

Hey Gang!


How great are these temps for running right now? Ah the sweet pay-off from all those hot runs – enjoy!!!


Most of us are in various stages of training and running. We are quite a diverse, big group, and as is natural, we are not all doing the same things. That is great – there is strength in diversity.


What I want to remind you all of is this: remember to do you. It is easy to look around at what other people are doing and think that’s what you should be doing as well. It isn’t.


If you’re feeling like your training or vibe isn’t comfortable or jiving with your headspace, I encourage you to go back and remember why you started. When you signed up for whatever you were training for – why did you want to do it?


Was it to challenge yourself and have fun? Then keep your training and headspace consistent with that.

Was it to work really hard and set big goals and see what you can achieve when you put in your all? Then remind yourself of that during your big workouts.

Was it to just get to the start line so you could enjoy the experience of the race itself with not too much pressure? Then don’t get caught up with comparing yourself to others who have other goals – that’s not you!


It really is fine to train differently and have different reasons for doing things and to have different goals. It’s ok to be intense and it’s ok to be chill. All of these human experiences make up the beautiful mosaic of races and training buddies and life. So this is just a gentle reminder that it’s ok to stay true to your own intentions and not get caught up in comparing yourself with what others are doing. You do you. You’re good. You got this.



We’re back to Lakeshore tomorrow! Normally we’d be at a hill rotation, but we’re doing our Work Out For War Child Pottery Road Hill challenge next Wednesday (quick plug – if you want to support or join us, you can do so here: WOFWC Lower East Siders)


  1. Miles! 3 x 1 mile at HM pace w 1:30, 3 min rest, 2 x 800 slightly quicker w 1:30
  2. As fartlek: 3 x 7 min w 1:30, 3 min, 2 x 3 min w 1:30


If you are racing the half-ironman on Friday, sleep in. This won’t help you. I may come out to jog and cheer, but if I’m not there, have fun without me!



