Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – Look up!
Hi Everyone!
Happy Daylight Savings. This really works in the favour of morning runners. I for one really appreciate the earlier sunlight! Congrats to Meagan who came 3rd in a 25K trail run! Way to take advantage of the season.
Speaking of which, I’m putting on my “mom” hat now and telling you all to LOOK AT THE TREES – THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL!!! Runners are very good at adapting and making the best of our conditions. We run through intense heat and humidity, and in the icy, cold arctic blasting wind and snow. We shed layers and buy hydration flasks and slow our paces, or learn to wear many layers and cover our faces with Vaseline and wrap ourselves with lights and fluorescent clothing so we can be seen in the dark. This is just part of what we do and after one or two grumbles we are usually able to cheerfully get on with it. But right now. THIS weather is made for running. The trees are at their peak (maybe just past, but there are still some stunning colours), the weather is perfect (it does keep see-sawing, but passes by perfect every few days), and we have the sun and light and visibility to enjoy it all.
We can sometimes take our training very seriously and our runs are all business, or life and other stresses fill our brains and we get into automatic pilot mode and just want to check the run off our lists. This is just a reminder to look up. Enjoy this. We love this. We get to do this. I’ve mentioned this before, but I think what defines us as athletes is that we experience the world by physically interacting with it. We don’t just look at it, we go and BE in it. And if there is ever a time to enjoy and appreciate breathing and moving and sweating and seeing and hearing and smelling all at once – it is now. Go have fun!!!
On to tomorrow’s workout: Lakeshore and Leslie – 6:05 drills, 6:15 GO!
Cut-downs! 1.5 mile tempo (2-3 min rest), 1 mile faster (2 min rest), 800 faster (1:30 rest), 600 faster (1:15 rest), 400 faster
2-3 min rest, then 1 mile @ choice (MP, tempo or 10K pace – depends who you are and how you’re feeling – I’ll be there to talk it out)
See you in the a.m.!