
Hi Everyone!


First up, huge congrats to Cindy who raced the 50K Gatineau Loppet on the weekend and came 2nd in her age group! Way to go. Imperfect training and imperfect conditions but awesome race execution!


And Awesome job to many on this list who tackled their first Big Long Runs of this build, despite snowy windy conditions (again!) Everyone here is inspiring me – I love it!


Lately I’ve been thinking about our ability to listen to ourselves. To our bodies, our intuitions, our inner voices. I was just watching an interview with Molly Seidel where she is asked “what is the most important thing for runners” and her answer is “honesty with their body”. And in order to be honest, you have to really be able to listen to the signals. This is actually not as easy and straightforward as it might seem. As runners training to run further and faster, we’re continually over-riding what our brains and bodies are telling us. As members of a busy life with never-ending noise and signals, we are constantly tuning out our more quiet needs. So how do we know when to listen and what to listen for?


I heard somewhere that when we ignore certain needs for too long, we just become accustomed to a new state and think that is normal. The example given was socializing. This is an innate human need, but over covid we’ve tramped it down for so long that we might find we have to force ourselves back into it at first. We no longer naturally have the drive that once sustained us. The same goes for sleep with most of our population. We ignore natural impulses to sleep when it’s not convenient, and have normalized functioning on way less than optimal sleep and don’t even realize how over-tired we are. (For the record, this is one area that I feel that I shine and I know I’m lucky to be able to, but I will nap as soon as I get the signal that my body needs sleep). Another signal that busy people can tune out is hunger. Again, if you ignore it for long enough, you can lose touch with it. You’re now blind to your body’s sleep and hunger needs – two of the most important areas to listen to for performance.


But here’s the thing. As Seidel says – it’s about being HONEST with what you’re hearing. Sometimes your body will say it’s too tired today but you know you can get up and go. Sometimes your brain/body tells you to slow down but you know you can push through. But sometimes your body hurts in a different way or is tired for too long, and that is where you need to be in tune and really listen and be honest. No coach can tell you perfectly when to push and when to back off. The most seasoned athletes know this intuitively because they have learned through trial and error, how to listen. It is one of the most important skills you can develop.


Never forget: you’re not fighting your body. Your body is your best friend. She is there telling you (and sometimes only in a whisper) what she needs. Listen up and pay attention. You do not want to lose touch with that communication. As an athlete, that is the most important thing.


Onto tomorrow’s workout!


Lakeshore again – 6:05 for drills, 6:15 GO time


3 x 1000 (@10K pace) w 1:30; 3 min; 6 x 400 (@5K pace or slightly faster) w 1:15; 3 min; 2 x 200 (Fast) w 1:00


If doing it fartlek style: 3 x 4 min w 1:30, 3 min easy, 6 x 1:30 w 1:30, 3 min easy, 2 x 40 seconds fast


I will bring a cone. We’ll have to do some joggling around for the 1000’s – I have a plan.


That is all – see you in the am!






Investments and Withdrawals

Hi Everyone!


Hope you’re all staying warm and got some extra fueling help from chocolate yesterday. Ok, and maybe for the rest of this week. As I mentioned to someone recently, “if the fire’s hot enough, anything will burn” – (Once A Runner – John L Parker). So cheesy but so good.


Don’t you just love the feeling of being fit, running fast, being in total synch and in control of your body, feeling completely connected to your surroundings, knowing you can handle it and feeling like you can go forever? I know we’ve all experienced this. It’s probably what we’re always chasing. That one run every so often that just makes us feel powerful, in control, unstoppable and connected. These runs happen and are there for all of us, but I consider them a “withdrawal” from our account. They aren’t free. The average person (non-runner) doesn’t have these available to them. We take them out and we spend them with joy and if we could just keep spending like that life would be grand.


But of course, we can’t withdraw forever without ever making any investments. I think that’s economics 101. If we want those blissful, injury-free, free-flowing, fast miles, we need to put in some hard, cold, slower, heavy legged, ego-checking miles. These investments come in the form of doing strength work, cross-training, running in the winter, doing hill repeats, running faster than is comfortable for longer than is comfortable. This all has to be done during the “investment” phase so that when we’re ready to withdraw, there is a large balance. Generally we plan the “withdrawal” phase as our “competition” phase. This is likely the last 6 weeks or so before a key race. This is where we withdraw by running. We run and run and run and it’s getting warmer out and we’re getting faster and we have the energy and strength and resilience built up over the work in the winter.  That elusive “perfect run” that we’re all chasing, where you feel you can go all day, you’re at one with your body and your surroundings and everything is in synch and flowing – will happen, I promise. Will it happen on race day? That’s the tough formula we’re always trying to nail. But regardless, you will get some of these runs if you’ve invested. And just one or two of those will be enough to convince you to re-invest during early morning, dark, cold, grindy months on end. So don’t worry – you’re not crazy; you’re just addicted! (ha)


But just remember which phase you’re in. And remember there will be a payoff. Getting fit and being in tune with your body doesn’t have to culminate in a race in order to justify the work. Regardless of where this leads time-wise, there will be a time to withdraw and you will enjoy the experience. Be open to it and let it happen when it happens, just like you’re all open to putting in the work now. You will deserve it!!!


 For tomorrow: Back to Lakeshore! 6:05 for drills, 6:15 GO time!


It should be a bit warmer, so let’s take advantage with some 400’s. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they are a necessary part of being a well-rounded runner/racer. (also I’ll post some 5K race options coming up – would be good to just bust some rust and get some hard efforts in – investments!!)


  1. 2-3 sets of (4 x 400 w 1 min rec) – 3 mins bw sets – let’s aim for 5K pace
  2. If you have a spring goal race, finish with 1 x mile at goal race pace (let’s make it ATB or HM pace – even if you’re racing a marathon)
  3. If doing this fartlek style, 2-3 x (4 x 1 min Hard, 1 min Easy) 3 min Easy bw sets – option of 7 mins tempo after


That’s all – see you in the am!





The obstacle is the way

Hi Everyone!!!


Hope you’re all noticing and enjoying the longer days. I didn’t need my headlamp after about the first 10 minutes of my run this morning! Small celebrations.


Congrats to the LES crew who ran the Donna Half Marathon on Sunday! It was an amazing celebration of resilience, strength and community, and a great starting point for Spring training. Here we go!!!!


This week I’ve been thinking about challenges and doing hard things. It is interesting how we seek these out at times. We know there is growth and learning through effort and struggle, and many of us seek out these experiences. I am sure that is what brought most of us to endurance sport in the first place. I’ve been reading a bit about some Stoic musings, in Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. One of his great insights is “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” This quote is expanded upon by Ryan Holiday in the aptly named book (which I haven’t read): “The Obstacle is the Way”. The idea is basically that our best innovations, breakthroughs, discoveries, insights, occur because there is a threat or challenge – an obstacle. Therefore we should seek out and embrace the hard things and the challenges if we truly want to grow. And when we’re truly inhabiting a growth mindset, we can take a lot of joy and pleasure in seeking out these obstacles.


But what I notice in myself (and I think this is fairly universal) is that I can easily lose sight of that purpose when I’m measuring myself – particularly in running. If I am after an experience that challenges me mentally and physically, I shouldn’t just want a certain result and hope it comes easily. Sometimes I approach races with an excitement about a hard challenge ahead of me. Those often end up being my best races. But sometimes I slip back and get too attached to the end result and it pulls me out of embracing the process. I am looking for the result, not the experience. I want it to feel easy and I want a fast time. Ha. And sometimes a hard, challenging experience can result in a time that we don’t feel “should” be reflective of that experience. But the time is not what matters – in reality, when we zoom way out and pretend that other peoples’ eyes aren’t on us, that is not what we’re seeking. We are looking for an experience in which we can overcome our own fears and accept the obstacles without judgement. If that’s the case we should be able to embrace snowstorms and hurricane winds during racing conditions. I’m working on this! I just think it is interesting and a good reminder. So try to seek out hard things for their enjoyment and for the sake of challenging yourself and overcoming them. A little afraid of 5K’s? Seek them out as an experience! Intimidated by working out with others? There’s an opportunity to face a challenge! Not confident doing long runs alone? See what you can learn! If you are challenged and you persevere, you have succeeded. I truly think that even at the Olympic level, it is the athletes who can maintain this mindset who make it to the top. (and I know they work on this with teams of sports psychologists, so don’t judge yourself if you lapse and forget to embrace the challenge – that is yet another obstacle to point yourself towards… I know I am!)


On to tomorrow’s workout: Hills! + Tempo! (I will aim to be there around 6:10, but start when you get there).


  1. 3-4 x Pottery Rd followed by 5 min tempo (let’s find a little loop maybe on neighbourhood roads with ok footing) – Repeat (you don’t have to do the exact same # of hills second time – depends on how much of a challenge you’re seeking ;))
  2. If you raced Donna, you can jog up and say ‘hi’ but lay off the workout for now. If feeling ok by Friday you can try a tempo – talk to me for options.


That is all for now – see y’all on the roads!






Hi Everyone!


Happy February! Check it out – the days are getting noticeably longer. Wohoo!!!


I’ve been thinking recently about routines and how valuable they are in keeping us consistent (# 1 ingredient for success). Once you have your routine down, you don’t have to use willpower or debating with yourself what you will do when – you just do the things you’ve always done. I love my routines. They keep me feeling grounded and in control.


But lately I’ve been thinking about how great it feels to break free of our routines every now and then. I sometimes panic or get stressed that if I miss my usual window, I’ve messed something up or done it incorrectly. It’s at those times that I realize my routine is controlling me, not vice versa, and I remember to question it and even want to rebel against it. Sure there is stability and comfort in doing what is familiar, but it’s funny how the slightest tweak can open your eyes to a new experience.


When I go skiing on the weekends with my kids, I like to be out the door early so they can be the first on the hill and I can get my xcountry ski in in the morning. But recently it has been so cold, we’ve decided to have more relaxed mornings and head up later in the day. For the first time I’ve xcountry skied with an afternoon light;  the sun shines differently through the trees and casts different shadows. The whole experience feels novel and fresh. Instead of having the exact same, comfortable experience as always, I’ve created a new sensation and perspective.


Last week I think we all had to deal with switching things up if we didn’t want to abandon our workouts completely. Some of us chose a different time or day to do intervals, some did them on a bike, some did them in a new location or in a different format. I like that we had to do this. It proves to ourselves that we aren’t completely dependent on our systems, and that we have resilience and flexibility and agency. And it’s amazing how a small change can make an entire experience feel fresh and new! And new experiences are how we learn and grow. So keep your routines – they’re great and they work. But don’t forget to push against them every now and then, and never ever be afraid of trying something new.


Onto workout for Tomorrow:


I’m moving hills to next week because some of us have a taper workout and this way we can all do it together. We’re at that time of year where we get the melt/freeze combo, so just a warning: it could be slippery. We’ll see what we get when we get there – hopefully they’ll salt as they usually do.


  1. 1-3 sets of (1mile, 2 min recovery, 800) – 2 mins between sets. Miles at tempo pace, 800’s at 10K (or quicker at the end). 1 set if you’re tapering, 2 sets if you’re just getting back into things, 3 sets if you’re building
  2. If doing this fartlek style, 3 x (6 min tempo, 2 min easy, 3 min hard) 2 min jog bw sets


This is a good one for practicing HM pace with surges, and recovering back to HM pace. Re-settle in. You will go through these surges and settle phases in all longer races. Teaching your body to get back into its rhythm is good practice. Also a great strength wrkt bc a fair bit of volume. I’ll be doing the taper version, but will cheer y’all on!!!



I’ll be there at 6:05 for warm-up, 6:15 is GO TIME!


See ya in the am 





This is what it feels like!

Hi All!


First up I want to congratulate everyone on their resiliency and positive attitudes in training (or accepting not training) through what has been a pretty challenging week and winter with the snow, cold and lack of gyms or indoor tracks. Don’t forget that if you’re training for a marathon, one of the most important things to practice is patience! So we’re all working that muscle.


I think in my last email I mentioned I’d come back to Keira D’Amatto and her recent American Record in the marathon. So here I am again. I’m probably not done yet either. But what I’ve been thinking about this time is about a post which one of her pacers – Calum Neff – posted. He said that for most of the race, he could tell that Keira was not “flowing” and did not feel good. The pace was strained and uncomfortable. He looked at the clock at 20 miles and they were just barely hanging onto their mark and it wasn’t easy. Then he said something to Keira – “THIS is what it feels like to run an American record!” Like, d-uh. But so good! Of course! Of course it isn’t going to feel easy! But just that reminder that it’s ok for hard things to feel hard. Don’t panic. Don’t fight it. Don’t tell yourself the feeling shouldn’t be there or is signaling something is wrong. This is just what it feels like!


Sometimes running paces and times seem to come with an easier effort than others. I don’t always trust my memory in telling me how easy I recall something to have been though. When I end up with a good result, I always remember it as having been easier. I know that’s my storytelling brain though and probably wasn’t the case in the moment. So then when I’m back in the moment I could easily think “it shouldn’t feel this hard”. But it should. This is what it feels like. It’s what it feels like to get back into shape. It’s what it feels like to train through a Canadian winter for a spring marathon. It’s what it feels like to run your 5th or 6th repeat at a pace you’re not sure your legs can hold onto. It’s what it feels like to extend your long runs beyond what you’re used to. It’s what it feels like to run on dead legs after a bike workout. It’s what it feels like 5 minutes into a tempo pace when you’re sure you can’t hold it but have 5 minutes to go. You’re not weak or doing it wrong – it’s SUPPOSED to feel like that! The best you can do is not attach the feeling to anything else – just accept it and keep going. And as Neff said, the real feeling you’re chasing comes at the end. And that will feel soooo good.


Onto tomorrow’s Workout!


Guys, it’s supposed to be -20C with a windchill of -29C at 6 am. All feelings aside, I think this is just not safe or very effective for a good interval workout. The footing isn’t great as of this am, running hard in that cold is very tough on your body, hitting paces is near impossible, and risk of injury goes way up. So I will give you options:


  1. If you have a treadmill or are currently somewhere warm with solid footing, here is the workout: 1600 (1:45 rest) 1200 (1:45 rest) 800 (1:30 rest) 600 (1:15 rest) 400 (1:00 rest) 2 x 200 (45 sec rest)

Start at 10K pace and get a bit faster with each one as you go.

  1. Or do similar fartlek style by effort: 6-5-4-3-2-1-1 min Hard, 1:45-1 min easy
  2. Do a workout on the bike trainer (actually I just read a really interesting study showing that high intensity bike workouts boosted Vo2max levels in runners which translated to faster running times with no additional running training) – Do the same efforts as above, but if you have the time, repeat 2 x (sorry – your body can just handle more intensity on the bike, so go for it!) – 3 min easy pedalling bw sets
  3. If you want to show up at 6:15 at Leslie and Lakeshore for a social, I will plan to be there. Wearing LOTS of clothes! Then I will do option 3 later in the day.
  4. Strength train. ALWAYS helps. (msg me if you need ideas)


That is all – have a great one – stay safe, stay upright and stay warm!





It’s only fun if it’s fun

Hi Everyone!


Hope you’re all getting out to play in the snow dump we got yesterday. I know that for many a huge weather event like this can cause serious disruptions, struggle and hardship. That’s not to be dismissed or taken lightly. But for many of us (especially if you’re in the under-20 crowd), it seems to have unlocked a sense of fun. I know many of us got outside yesterday and today whether on toboggans, snowshoes, skis, or even in running shoes, and the attitude I sensed was one of adventure and fun.


As many of you fans of running probably know, the American marathon record of 16 years was just broken this past weekend in Houston by Keira D’Amato in a time of 2hrs and 19 minutes. You might be saying, “Who??” D’Amato is a 37-year old mother of two and realtor. More about her story in a later newsletter, but what has struck me the most about her is her sense of “fun” in her running. From an article on her prior to her record: “D’Amato recalls two “fun-memorable” workouts that she did prior to her 5000-meter time trial. (She says “fun” a lot in conversation.)” The “fun” workout was 41 x 200 which she did to play a joke on her coach.


When reading about D’Amato I also think of Molly Seidel. Seidel was another runner who seemingly came out of “nowhere” to finish third in the marathon at the Tokyo Olympics. Seidel also exudes a sense of “fun” when she runs. She likes running with amateurs more than pros because they remind her that running part of her life – not her whole life. She had so much fun before the Olympic marathon, just enjoying herself and the moment, that the British team afterwards told her they were wondering whether she’d even finish the race because she was having too much fun in the hotel. Seidel also recently set the FKT (fastest known time) for a 10K dressed in a turkey suit (34:33 if you were wondering).


There are many athletes and people at the top of their game who I admire, but these ladies have something special. They know how to get the most out of themselves by being true to themselves and keeping it fun. I know we all know how to have fun – I’ve seen it in all of you! The trick is trying to keep that attitude going. I’m not saying absolutely every run has to be a barrel of laughs, but it is definitely possible to have fun doing hard things. It’s up to all of us to figure out how to tap into that mindset and make adjustments so that our training resembles our own sense of fun. As my friend recently reminded me, her coach used to tell her “It’s only fun if it’s fun”. Sounds simple, but say it to yourself a few times. It’s actually pretty meaningful.


Ok, onto tomorrow’s FUN workout!

(it’s actually pretty standard. You have to bring the fun 😉 )


  1. 4-8 x 800 w 1:30 rest

That is all. I’ve given a range based on where you are in your training. The key here is to keep them all a similar pace. Let’s not worry too much about pace because although the path is cleared, I’m not sure how salted vs slippery it will be. Basically this is a benchmark workout which we will revisit later on, so it’s ok if it’s not your absolute best ever – in fact better if it’s not. This is the start from which you will get faster.


I will be there at 6:05 for drills, 6:15 GO time.


Hope to see ya there!







Charging Forward

Hi Everyone!


Hope you’re all figuring out your layering and bundling for running this winter. I’ve made a few misjudgements this past week, but I think I’m getting the hang of it again.


You know what else I’ve been feeling these past two weeks – besides cold? All of your positive energy and excitement towards running. And it’s really rubbing off on me! We’re entering our second winter of COVID restrictions and looking at our third spring of race uncertainties and potential cancellations. And do you know what I feel we’ve learned? To stop getting beaten down by it. We’ve been through this. We know how it goes. We train hard towards our goals, but we remain flexible and nimble and adaptable if they change. We don’t moan and complain and sit on the couch and wait it out. We get out there and charge ahead, and every now and then the clouds break and we get to run a race or go to a destination, even if it’s not exactly how it used to be, and we celebrate that. I’m feeling like this January, despite restrictions on gatherings, gym and other closures, race uncertainties, an inability to make absolute plans, and really an unknown deadline to all of it, we are going forward with the energy and enthusiasm of the pre-2020 years! Obviously this is something that comes from a pre-learned pattern. We know how to get excited and work together to share our energy. This is resiliency. It’s standing tall despite the waves crashing over us. And it’s not just going through the motions in order to be defiant – I can tell it’s a true sensation of “I’m not beaten down, I’m excited to charge ahead”. I can tell this from the attitudes that I’m seeing showing up to runs and workouts. I can tell from the conversations I’m hearing around race goals and training plans. I can tell from workouts I’ve done with people where we’ve found that old energy of leaning in together again. It all feels like less of a struggle and more like enthusiasm and fun. And it’s contagious! (sorry – trigger word). But seriously, I’m super excited and super proud of us. Maybe we let ourselves get down for a bit there, but damn – we know when enough is enough! Time to work together, get fit, and charge towards new goals. Thank-you for sharing that with me.


Onto tomorrow’s workout:


Hills with a twist:

  1. Meet at the Riverdale Clubhouse (Riverdale Park, south side, at Broadview).
    1. 4-6 x hard up the cement hill (from the washrooms all the way to the sidewalk = ~ 200m) – run back down between reps. Take 2 mins at the top, THEN run 8 mins tempo (up Broadview to Danforth is about 1K so most won’t get further than that in an out-and back). REPEAT. So 8-12 x hills, 2 x 8 min total.


I’m not sure how this will feel, with the volume and intensity which is why there’s such a range. If we consider they’re about half of Pottery distance-wise, then that’s a pretty good volume with the tempo pieces.


The reasoning behind this: We know how to run hills and we know how to run hard. People running hilly races (Boston, Around The Bay, even Mississauga with a significant jarring downhill first portion) need to know how to run hard in between hills. So … practice makes perfect!


*I am getting boosted this aft so really hoping for minimal side-effects but will def be there even if I can’t fully participate


Thanks All – see you soon!






Hi Everyone!


As we re-enter the now familiar routine of closures and restrictions, I think it’s more important than ever to look at our goals and resolutions for 2022. Not in the “I want to improve myself” sense, but in the “what excites and drives me” sense.


I agree, at this current moment, it’s not easy to feel bright, inspired and optimistic. Especially if we are on social media and allow ourselves to listen to too much of other peoples’ negative headspaces. So here’s my challenge to you: find a way to get yourself inspired and excited for what’s next. Screw the negative bullshit and find a person or event or challenge that gets you fired up. I know we all know how to take a deep breath and get to work on hard things that we “should” be doing. That’s not what I want for this year’s goals. I want you to find that inner spark of passion. I know it’s there – we’ve all had it at some point. You may have to work a little to rekindle it. So work for it. Take some time to really think about what inspires you and gets you excited. Read stories of other people who have this spark. Here are some I’ve found inspiring lately: Tommy Rivs, Shalane Flannagan, Lanni Marchant. If you don’t know their stories, look them up, but basically they’ve all been dealt different life circumstances and challenges and continue to find passion and purpose through running – all three in very different forms than they once did. There are more out there. Look for them (and share them!)


Wayne Gretzky said that no one ever once told him to practice as a kid. The hours he spent on the ice alone in his backyard which eventually developed him into “The Great One” came from his own inner flame. It wasn’t  a work ethic or talent that drove his success – it was passion.


So this year, don’t try to better yourself, or improve a time or a habit just because you think you should. Instead, find a way to rekindle your passion. When you have that drive, you won’t need willpower or discipline to keep going, and obstacles like restrictions, closures and cancellations will only be pylons to sidestep as you follow your inner path.



Onto tomorrow’s workout! (Gatherings are now limited to 10 ppl outdoors. Let’s see who shows up tomorrow – if we’re more than 10 we can split into two groups and start at opposite sides of the path and run towards each other.)

I will be there for 6:05 drills, 6:15 GO TIME. If anyone wants to group up for an earlier or later time, feel free!


  1. 6-10 x 600 w 200 jog.

The key to this workout is keeping it continuous (we’ve done this one before). Keep the 600’s at 10K effort – no faster and the 200’s at a pace that is not an easy jog. As you adapt and improve on this workout, the parameter that changes is that your 200’s get faster. The stimulus here is teaching your body to deal with and use lactate as fuel. So don’t get hung up on your 600 times – work for the effect, not the workout “performance”.



  1. If doing this fartlek style, 6-10 x 2:30 Hard(ish), 45 seconds Medium


Please let me know if anyone has any questions!


Hope to see some of you tomorrow.






Adjusting our sails

Hi Everyone!


Hope you’re all having happy and healthy holidays. I know this year they’ve been filled with a fair bit of anxiety and plan changes for most, but man – are we ever working and strengthening those resiliency muscles!


I’m currently surrounded by and hanging out with windsurfers. A different species from runners to be sure. In order to become a good windsurfer, you have to be fairly driven and hard-working as there is a significant learning curve – especially at the beginning. But the interesting thing about windsurfers is that while they are driven and focused, they also have to be incredibly flexible and open-minded. When your entire sport relies on wind and waves, you have to have the right attitude or you’ll go crazy. There is just so much you can’t control. You have to be optimistic, and ready to go when it’s good, but accept the waiting period when it’s not. You also have to be ready to make changes when the weather changes. You may have rigged up a certain sized sail and headed out, only to find the wind has changed. You then have to come in, de-rig, and rig up a new sail to fit the new conditions. That’s just what you accept as part of the sport – you adapt and change according to the conditions. And when the conditions are good, you delight in it, and don’t take any of it for granted. Because you know it will change again.


I think there’s a lot we runners can take from this attitude and approach to life. We are used to being able to control so many variables. We plan out and strive to hit specific mileage and pace targets weeks and months in advance, without holding a space for the things we can’t control. We are not used to adjusting our sails or waiting with patient optimism and excitement for a new window of opportunity to open up. We stress when things go off plan and have a hard time waking up and saying “I will approach my day based on what the day and conditions have given me”. Instead, we try to force our plan into the day, even if it really doesn’t fit.


Fair: planning and training for running and endurance events is quite different than action sports. But as we make goals and plans for the new year, maybe we can borrow some of the mindset and attitudes from other athletes that might serve us better – especially in times of unpredictability. I’m going to try to be better at adjusting my sails based on conditions, delighting in the good days, and patiently waiting out the bad ones.


Workout for this week:


For this week I know many are still away and on different schedules, so let’s do a fartlek workout which you can do when, where and with whom suits you:


10-15 min easy jog warm-up, 4 sets of 3-2-1 min Hard with 1 min easy, 3 min easy b/w sets, 10 min easy jog c-dn


Have a great one and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Looking forward to seeing y’all in 2022 





Control what you can

Hi Everyone!


Well, what can I say. This is supposed to be a rejoicing and celebrating time, but for many of us right now it is mixed with a large dose of anxiety, disappointment and maybe even illness. That’s not to say it’s all bad – we will still do what we can to celebrate with our loved ones and get outside for runs and play and read good books and eat good food and drink good drinks.


This makes me think of the anxiety many athletes feel before big competitions. Sports psychologists and coaches have to remind us that we should only spend energy on things we can control. And even that – within reason. Here’s what we can control: showing up to workouts, working on our positive mindset throughout workouts, our nutrition, our sleep (to an extent), how we will conduct ourselves within the race. Here is what we can’t control: the weather on the day of our competition, who else will show up, what our competitors will do, whether we get sick or injured over the course of training. We are told to be as prepared as we can with what we can control, and take a deep breath, and not worry about the uncontrollables. As long as we are confident with what we’ve done then we will do our best and accept the outcome. And again – this is all within reason. Most athletes will probably reflect that there was a tiny bit more they could have done, but at a certain point that becomes obsessive, and you just have to be ok with what you’ve done as your best effort. Not to mention, doing “more” could start to bring diminishing returns.


I feel like a similar mindset might help us right now. Yes, there are many things we can control. Get on top of those things. We can get vaccinated, get boosted, wear masks, follow public health guidelines, work on our compassionate mindset … But at a certain point we have to say “I’m doing all I can do within reason” and then be ok with that. We shouldn’t expend energy on things we can’t control: what other people are doing, what mutations the virus will take next, what restrictions we’ll be facing next. At some point we just have to say, I’ve done the best I can and I will deal with whatever comes my way. Locking yourself in a cave with no social contact or activities for an unforeseeable future is likely not going to benefit your overall health and well-being – that’s the obsessive mindset leading to diminishing returns. So do what you can and then be ready to deal with whatever comes your way.  And while we’re at it, let’s all throw in a good dose of compassion and grace for ourselves and our neighbours. We could all use more of that.



Workout for this week is hills!

With a twist. For these ones, here’s the drill (and only if the footing is ok – I’m not sure what it’s like in TO right now):

Run down fast, up easy.

The key here is to run down with a strong stride and mid-to-forefoot strike (vs. sitting back on your heels). This does two things: 1 – reinforces a long stride length with power (not over-striding, but covering more ground with each stride) and 2 – really works those eccentric contractions for strength. Coming down with more force will be harder on your muscles. Expect to feel a little sore the next day, but this is good training for those of you getting ready for hilly races!

Same number as usual – don’t raise the volume – this is a new strength stimulus!


Pottery or hill in the Beach. I leave it to you guys to coordinate.


Enjoy! I’ll do my own version here.



